Fire Fighter Exam

Alabama Firefighter College Training and Requirements

Alabama Fire College- Main site for Alabama's fire training and certification information.

Firefighter Certification Process - Learn about the certification process of becoming a firefighter through Alabama Fire College

Calendar of Upcoming Classes - Find classes that AFC will be holding.

CPAT-Candidate Physical Ability Test for firefighters

You may study many different courses at this organization such as; Firefighter 1, Firefighter II, Haz-Mat technician, Fire Officer (all levels), Fire Instructor and many others. An online resource such as Firefighter Exam is an excellent preparation test bank of questions related to the fire service tests. This site is designed to assist aspiring firefighters gain additional knowledge and training to pass entry level exams.

Alabama Fire College is the organization that oversees firefighter exams, training, and certifications for the state of Alabama. The mission of the Alabama Fire College and Personnel Standards Commission is to provide training and certification for the state's career and volunteer emergency service personnel located in all regions of the state. AFC is accredited by the National Professional Qualifications System, which is a nationally recognized certification for all students.

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Contact information:
Alabama Fire College
Telephone: 1-800-241-2467
Fax: (205) 391-3747
Address:2501 Phoenix Drive
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35405-8546

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