Fire Fighter Exam

Illinois Fire Service Institute Information for Firefighters.

The Illinois Fire Service Institute is the statutory fire academy for the State of Illinois. It is operated as a continuing education and public service activity by the University of Illinois
IFSI Course Calendar
Find courses and upcoming activities at the IFSI. IFSI also offers Online classes
Courses Qualifying for Reimbursement:

The following are IFSI courses, programs, and eligible hours that qualify for VA education benefits. To be eligible to receive these benefits, the veteran must have completed the course or program within 12 months prior to the date of application to the VA. Details are available upon request.

# Certified Firefighter II Academy--280 hours
# Fire Officer I Program Series--200 hours
# Fire Officer II Program Series--160 hours
# Fire/Arson Investigation Program Series--120 hours
# Fire Instructor Program Series--160 hours
# Auto Extrication I-II--80 hours
# Vertical Rescue Specialist I-III--124 hours
# Hazardous Materials Technician Program--212 hours
# EMT: B--140 hours

I have personally taken classes from IFSI instructors. This is quality training from quality firefighters. As for info for new firefighters or aspiring firefighters, there isn't much. Because so many fire departments have different hiring practices you should contact your local FD or a FD that you are planning to test for. With Firefighter Exam we have done everything we can to cater to all possible tests. Be prepared for civil service exams with math, spelling, vocabulary, and mechanical aptitude tests or exams. Other tests will likely include basic firefighting questions with EMT questions. Good Luck!
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Illinois Fire Service Institute
11 Gerty DR
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (800) 437-5819
(217) 333-3800
Fax: (217) 244-6790


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