Fire Fighter Exam

Firefighter Training Guide and Exams for Maine

MFTE's Training Programs -Find a complete listing of all training and education programs including; firefighter I, firefighter II, arson, driver-operator, executive skills, fire prevention, firefighter safety, NFA courses, and wildland interface courses.
Maine Fire Service Institute- Yet another resource for aspiring or current firefighters in Maine to assist the development of skills and abilities at the local, regional, and state level.
Training Course Catalog -Find a complete listing of all training and education program MFTE offers
A good way to learn more about firefighting is to contact your local fire department and see what their standards of training are. Also note that many career firefighters today have started out volunteering, so you may have to volunteer first. You must also be prepared for exams and tests. Most fire departments don't just pick one standard test. They are all over the board as to what type of test they put on. One year it may be a civil service test, the next a fire/emt test. You just never know. Firefighter Exam is the best resource that covers all aspects of fire department entrance exams. Good luck with your career firefighter endeavors and never give up on the most rewarding profession.
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Maine Fire Service Institute

phone: 207-844-2070

Maine Fire Training & Education
Southern Maine Community College

2 Fort Road
South Portland, ME 04106
phone: 207-741-5555
fax: 207-741-5678

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