Fire Fighter Exam

Firefighter Certification and Exam Training in Massachusetts - How to Become a Firefighter

Massachusetts Department of Fire Services Massachusetts Firefighter Training Within DFS is the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy, providing fire training to municipal fire service personnel at no cost to the cities and towns. The Massachusetts Fire Training Council is a 13 member body appointed by the Governor which is the policy making body for the Academy. The Council is also the sole certifying agency for the certification of all levels of fire service personnel in the Commonwealth.
The Massachusetts Firefighting Academy (MFA)- MFA provides fire training to municipal fire service personnel at no cost to the cities and towns.
Becoming a Firefighter-This publication lays out what to expect before and during classes at MFA. After you become a firefighter you can check with the Human Resources Division to check for job openings. Also check out employment as a firefighter in Boston.
Training (information Links)- Education and continuing education is very important to participate in. You must always seek training to stay current and proficient with your skills.
Firefighter Certification System-Certification tests, documents, FAQ's, forms, and exam schedules. Firefighter Skills Sheets-Find firefighter I and firefighter II skill sheets for PPE, ladders, hose, search and rescue, ropes and knots, water supply, salvage, rescue operations, and maintenance operations. After reviewing this site I have found that it does not talk about the specifics on what is needed to become a firefighter. First you need to apply yourself with being a volunteer or looking for fire department openings. Once you find an opening, apply for it. Put together a professional resume, cross every T and dot every I. Have someone read it and fix the problems. The next step will be the written exam at a designated facility (not always the fire department). If you score high enough, which you will with the practice exams on firefighter exam, you will move on to a physical ability test. The CPAT test is most widely known physical test. If everything is still going your way you will move on to the oral board interviews. There is an array of information on-line to help you prepare for your oral boards. You must know in advance that this is not an easy career to get into. We don't let any dummy into it who doesn't have it in their heart. Good luck on your career endeavors.
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Department of Fire Services
PO Box 1025, State Road
Stow, MA 01775

(978) 567-3100

Western Mass Office
PO Box 389, One Prince Street
Northampton, MA 01060

(413) 587-3181

(413) 587-9819

Massachusetts Fire Academy

(978) 567-3200

Online Registration

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