Fire Fighter Exam

New Hampshire Firefighter Training and Requirements, Firefighter I and II

Division of Fire Standards and Training and Emergency Medical Services -Gather information from New Hampshire regarding fire training and EMS. Richard M. Flynn Fire Academy-The Richard M. Flynn Fire Academy is a state-of-the-art training and educational facility dedicated to meeting the training needs of New Hampshire’s emergency responders. The following certification programs are offered at the RMF Fire Academy * Fire Fighting:
Firefighter I
Firefighter II
Certified Career Firefighter (C2F2)
* Hazardous Materials:
Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations / (C.A.M.E.O.)
Incident Command System
* Technical Rescue:
Rescue Systems I
Rescue Systems II
Introduction to Technical Rescue Skills (I.T.R.S.)
Confined Space Rescue
* Driver - Operator:
All Vehicle - Apparatus
Aerial Apparatus
Pumping Apparatus
* Fire Officer:
Fire Officer I & II
* Industrial Fire Brigade Training
* Aircraft Rescue Firefighter NFPA 1003
* Fire & Emergency Services Instructor I
* Fire Inspector I
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Many career fire departments require firefighters to have their EMT certification before being hire. You can expect to find EMT questions on many tests.

Training, Education, and Exams- Train as much as you can, and never get tired of learning. This will increase your chances of getting hired.

The New Hampshire Fire Commission mandates entrance testing. It consists of three separate events, all of which have to be passed within 26 month period. Many departments actually look for candidates who have passed all three events. The three Entrance Testing events include: Written Exam, Acrophobia Test, Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT).

Click HERE for more information on training and education programs

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New Hampshire Department of Safety
Division of Fire Standards & Training and Emergency Medical Services
Richard M. Flynn Fire Academy

33 Hazen Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03305

Email Address:
Telephone Numbers: (603) 223-4200
(800) 371-4503

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