Fire Fighter Exam

South Dakota Firefighter Entrance Exam Prep and Training Programs

South Dakota Fire Marshal Office-Our Fire Service Training Program coordinates training at State Fire School, District Fire Schools, National Fire Academy Field Courses, and other special training classes. The program also provides "Certified Training Programs" for the certification of firefighters, fire instructors, fire apparatus driver/operators, and fire officers. The program is a resource for training materials.
South Dakota Training Programs-Driver/Operator course, Rescue Technician, Certified Firefighter, Fire Instructor. For more information see the program descriptions.
Pierre Fire Department Volunteer Application Process:

This is just one example among many for becoming a firefighter in South Dakota.

Pierre Fire Department
Volunteer Application Process
Stop by our Main Fire Station and pick up your application.
Complete and submit a signed and dated application to the address below.
Your application will be reviewed and an oral interview will be setup by the Fire Department Board of Directors.
If your application is approved, you will then be required to complete a criminal history background and driving record check.
After a successful completion of a background check, your application will be submitted to the Pierre City Commission for approval.
Upon approval by the City Commission, you will be required to successfully complete a full medical exam.
Upon completion of your physical, you will be issued gear and you will have successfully become a probationary member of the Pierre Fire Department. Requirements:
18 years of age or older
Valid SD Drivers License
Resident of Pierre, SD

Take our advice, know what qualifications are required before you apply for a fire department. As shown above Pierre FD has certain requirements. Every fire department is slightly different. Some more advice would be to obtain your EMT Certification and/or get your fire science degree. With one or both of these certs you will have increased your chances of getting hired ten fold. If you are studying for your written firefighter exam then we have the practice tests, study guide and preparation materials that will give you the edge you need to pass. Our fire fighting questions and study guide are written by a staff of Nationally Certified Firefighters with over 20 years of experience and this experience is included in our examinations. Each question is based upon the NFPA 1001 Standard for Firefighter Professional Qualifications. Getting a high score can make or break you on the real fire department exam. Start now and fine tune your test taking skills. emt training online emt courses
South Dakota Fire Marshal's Office
Allen Christie, State Fire Marshal
118 West Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605.773.3562
Fax: 605.773.6631

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