Arkansas Firefighter Exams and Training Information
Arkansas Fire Training Academy is accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress and the Pro Board. They certify personnel to the Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Driver/Operator, Hazardous Materials-Awareness, Hazardous Materials-Operations, Instructor I and Fire Officer I & II levels. It is also accredited by the Arkansas Department of Health to certify personnel to the Emergency Medical Technician Basic level.
The mission of the Arkansas Fire Training Academy is to provide quality training and certification, fire and related emergency service programs, to the Arkansas Fire Service in an effective and efficient manner.
The Academy is committed to providing quality training programs to fire service personnel throughout the state using various technologies and methodologies to meet the needs of the fire service. Within its resources, the Academy will accomplish its mission by offering on-campus training and certification services and off-campus training and certification services by direct deliveries, regional deliveries, alternative delivery methodologies, and through support services.
The Academy is committed to providing quality training programs to fire service personnel throughout the state using various technologies and methodologies to meet the needs of the fire service. Within its resources, the Academy will accomplish its mission by offering on-campus training and certification services and off-campus training and certification services by direct deliveries, regional deliveries, alternative delivery methodologies, and through support services.
Application for Admission into Arkansas Fire Academy.
Fire and Emergency response degrees offered in Arkansas. Getting a degree will tremendously increase your chances of getting hired.
Firefighter Exam questions and study guides are written by a staff of Nationally Certified Firefighters with over 20 years of experience and this experience is included in our examinations. Each question is based upon the NFPA 1001 Standard for Firefighter Professional Qualifications. This national standard is used by most fire departments to certify at the Firefighter 1 and Firefighter 2 levels.
Contact Information:
Arkansas Fire Training Academy
P.O. Box 3499
Camden, AR 71711
Telephone: 870-574-1521
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